Friday, September 22, 2006

Summer Is Almost Gone!

As I strolled around tonight, I realized the chill was in the air. The daylight seems to disappear faster every night. I figured I might as well take some more shots. The sunset looked great and I think I captured a few of my favorite photos in the process.

Monday, September 04, 2006

It's Not Just About The Cars...

I just realized that summer is pretty much into it's final run and I've acomplished a nothing. Well, atleast not what I wanted to do this year. I had so many things scheduled and so little time to do them. Way too many things took priority over something that gives me great joy. It all hit home on this beautiful summer night. A brief story if I may...

I was taking photos of one of my favorite subjects, (The Ford F100 seen above and in other areas of my site.) when its owner slowly walked up to me. He looked kinda puzzled. I don't believe he ever saw someone taking so many photos of his truck the way I do. The different angles and close ups ect. His response summed it up. "You building one?" In reference to all the detail shots I was taking. I chuckled and said, "I was just enjoying all the details his truck had to offer." He laughed and started to tell me all about it. I was amazed at everything he had done to it and things he still wanted to do to it. He was proud of her. But there was something missing in his voice. And then it hit.

I asked him if he would be around anymore this summer. More chances for me to be inspired. He wasn't sure. Since his wife had passed away he really was just still struggling along. You could tell in his voice that it hurt. But you knew he wanted to talk about it. And he did. His wife was 59 years young when she passed away from ovarian cancer. It hit hard. She had a check-up not even two years before. She went through all the treatments and was trying to recover. Then it had come back so fast and that was it. She couldn't fight it. He started telling me all the stats involved with women and ovarian cancer. 80% of women don't even know they have it until it's in its 2nd stage. Frightening stats. At this point I couldn't imagine the pain they went through or even the courage required to deal with this. Or even his courage to talk to me about it. But he felt that it was his duty to tell people about it.

The summers of the past few years have been brutal for us. Rain every second day. Couldn't do a thing. That's what made it even worse, that this year was so perfect and he had no one to share it with. She would have loved this summer. Then he started to tell me about the last ride they had together. They were to take a ride in his truck on one of the only nice days of the last summer. Everything was good and they were on their way. Then as fate would have it, a flat tire. These weren't just ordinary tires you could just replace, so onto the flatbed it went and day over. Ride cancelled. Small set back. There would be another chance eventually.

That was the last time they'd ever have at doing what they loved doing together.

That was was one of the most heart wrenching stories I have ever heard. But it was time for us to move on. I thanked him for his time and for his story. It was a hard story to take. It did hurt to listen. And I'm damn sure it hurt even more to tell. I admire his courage and his will to keep going. He knew he couldn't change what had happened but maybe he could for someone else by talking about it. He wasn't sure. Well, sure did. It has touched me on so many different levels.

Thank you for reading this. This isn't just about taking pictures for me. It's about something more. It's a way of expression. Something needed to fuel the soul. We all have that something we need to do. In our own way. And realizing that I've been worn down by other things cannot be an excuse to put it off. Get out and do what you love. So... more pics of cars today? Maybe. But it's not just about the cars.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Happy Canada Day, eh!

Nothing says "Happy Birthday" like fireworks. What a fun day. A little sunburnt and tired but all in all a great day to celebrate. Can't wait again until next year.

Winnipeg's newest attraction!

Wow! Where was this when I was a teenager? (Can't believe I've just used that phrase. That was so long ago...) I think our fair city has finally hit the mark with this multi-million dollar skate park that has seemed to "Wow" everyone who stopped by on this Canada Day. I cannot believe the caliber of facility. Everywhere I turned there was something going on, up, and down! Our youth in this city needed something for them. And did they get it. Bravo Winnipeg! Well done. where did I put my old skateboard...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Something New

I figured I would give panoramas a try. Kind of pleased with the result. I still have tons of wedding pics to finish but I needed to step away for just a bit. Need to keep learning.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

My First Wedding Shoot.

I couldn't believe how much work this was. 14 hour days can be pretty tough. But I realized something...I never had this much fun! Sure there was pressure but to create memories that someone will treasure for a very long time is a great feeling. These are just a couple of the many images I captured. There is lots more. A LOT more! Phew. A D70 with a 17-55mm zoom and a SB-800 flash is not the lightest thing to haul around. My wrist is still kind of numb. It was worth it though. Well...back to endless hours with Photoshop. More to do.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


It feels like forever since I've posted something. I've just added a few photos below. They didn't jump out at me but you never know. It's a learning process. I feel I've been coming to a standstill with what I want to do. I have endless inspiration but I need to channel it productively. Where to start. Well...I don't know. I've been told to give myself assignments. I can't really do that. I have to find my subjects. Those unexpected moments. Captured. I guess my inspiration comes from the unexpected. Why did explorers explore? To discover. That's what keeps me going. But I really believe I have to give myself a solid base to stand on. I don't believe I'm there yet by any stretch of the imagination. But it's coming. Slowly. This ride is fun though. I've just recently been getting back to regular outings. And it feels great. Work has been very busy for me and I found it was starting to drain my creative energy. But I have seemed to rise above and thwart the demons and carry on. LOL. And with summer just around the corner, it is great timing. Time to get into high gear!

My biggest challenge will be coming soon though. April 29th. A wedding. Yikes. It's very important to me. It's for a very special lady. I've somehow been priveledged to capture very special moments of her life through my lens. Now the ultimate test is here. She asked if I would do some photos of her wedding. Nothing too dramatic but I was hesitant towards doing it. This is a tremendous responsibility for me. And I do not want to let her down. But certain events have persuaded me into doing this though. So here I am, scared to bits, going into what is becoming a mounting task. None the less I am prepared, ( I think... ) and excited. I've done some tests for it and they have turned out wonderful. With the help of a certain product rep who has allowed me the use a 17-55mm 2.8 lens for awhile, I am ready to tackle Everest! With kind permission of the bride-to-be, I will request to post a few photos on here when the wedding is over. If you don't see any on know I've given up photography...LOL.(cringe)

By the way...this "17-55mm 2.8 lens" that I have on my "NIKON D70" (shameless plug!!) is absolutely stunning. I won't want to give it back. Actually I just might have to keep it. I am currently accepting donations to the "Help Mike Fund." LOL. Just kidding. (But I won't stop you if you get the urge to support my habit...LOL. Geezzz...I'm kidding...) I hope to post some photos with it later this week. I've just fiddled with a few shots around the house and they have left me stunned as far as quality goes. This is a fine bit of glass. Hehehehehehee. I'm absolutely giddy with excitement.

Well...sorry about rambling on for a bit. I do this every now and then. It keeps me sane. I think. Anyways...I hope you enjoy my blog if this is your first time here. And to those kind folk who do visit my site on a regular basis, I thank you very much for your kind and generous comments. They are all greatly appreciated. You have no idea the amount of pride you have given me with your kind words. Thanks again and please continue to enjoy.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I have to spend more time here.

I haven't been to our legislative building in years. I went in for a quick look around and was amazed at how much time I could spend there. Next trip will be more fun!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Man's Best Friend

My crazy dog. Testing out my new SB-800 Flash today. My first pic with it. As well, my dog decided she wasn't going to have anymore of that business with the flash. Once was enough. The rest of the day consisted of a non-stop game of 'Chicken'! She won. Me and my equipment are doing well. Phew...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Braver sole than I.
For those of you who do not live in our wonderfully flat landscape, this is a man-made ice tower used to amuze those who find the challenges of solid ground not enough.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Time For A Bit More Color

I was starting to miss some vibrant color. This makes me happy.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

My Ride Out In The Country Today

Took a bit of a drive today. Tried out my new 2Gig card in my camera. Locked and loaded with room enough for 350 raw images! (7500 on basic small jpeg but there is no way I'll be using that mode.) All that being said, I came back with a whopping 40 images! Duh. Go figure. Half of them were of the creek I couldn't quite get right either. Darn snow. Enjoy.