Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Cars & Places Around Me.

Just a little something I wanted to put together. Take a look and leave a comment or two...or three or four. You get the idea.
I love photographing automobiles and landscapes. I might even get to try motorcycles one day if I ever get the chance. I guess as a kid, all I used to read were car and hot rod magazines. And the occasional photography magazine was never far out of reach either. So my influences are numerous. I've taken many rolls of film in my day but never had the darkroom capabilities I needed to pursue it further. So the camera was put away and brought out only every now and then. So now I have just entered the digital age and it has rekindled the fire inside. After about a 10 year absense in photography I have never felt better. It has become more accessable than I could ever have imagined. So watch out for the guy packin' his trusty D70...it just might be me.
So leave a comment, I would like to hear what you have to say.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! Great pics. You should pursue this further I know a guy that has a crazy looking Vmax, that you could hook up with, that should bring some attention!

Anne said...

Hi Mike!

Thanks for the ID on the wood duck, must be a female, right? Wonder how it got stuck with all those mallards? Think it'll be ok?

I love your car photos! Excellent work. I always like to see tight crops on vintage cars.

You asked what cameras I use? Mostly my digital SLR Olympus E1 but also my little Canon PowerShot G6 and an old medium format Hasselblad.

I'll keep checking back for more of your stuff!
