Monday, March 19, 2007

+5C And Mainly Sunny!

You'd never know by the following photos that it was 5 above celsius with a 20km wind. That's what the forcast was when I went to bed last night. I got up this morning to 50km winds gusting to 70kms!! It was actually close to 1 above though but the snow was so thick I could hardly see across the street! Hmmm...can someone please tell me what we have weather forecasters for? Sure all the global warming has caused imbalance and all that stuff. So"they" say. It's ridiculous. They predicted 5 above and sunny on my last day off as well. was sunny. Unfortunately it was -15 and that wasn't even factoring in the windchill. It must have dropped below -20. It was off by just a few degrees. A 20 bloody degree difference is not accurate weather forcasting. I always check the forcasts before I go to bed. It helps plan my day of shooting. When it turns out that I might as well just chuck darts at a dartboard to predict the weather, it gets a little fustrating.

So basically I've had to learn how to adapt. It should be one of the commandments of photography anyway. Actually, I think it is. Actually...I'm not even sure there is any commandments for photography. The point is (if there really was one) you can't really rely on anything when you put a camera in your hand. Just go out and shoot as much as you can. Whenever and wherever. You'll learn to be ready for anything. That being said...I think I turned in some of my favorite images from this winter today. So, thanks, to all you weather forcasters out there. Thanks for broadening my horizons. You have a strange way of doing it but thanks just the same.

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