It could be a vibrant color in a place you wouldn't expect it or just simple composition.
It could be a subtle contour of a car or richly textured landscape.
I don't know why they appeal to me but they do.
Why do I feel I have to capture these small pieces of the large puzzle we call our world?
I don't know. It has been a part of me since I can remember. It's the way I the express myself.
Am I any good? I believe I am. If others believe so, then that's a bonus. But you have to believe in yourself first.
Are there people that I think do this better than me? Absolutely! Without question! Those are the ones I admire and look up to. The ones to learn from but without sacrificing my vision.
It's a funny business of capturing images through a little box of lenses and mirrors and stuff I don't know the names of. But I love it. Enjoy.
let that boy boogie-woogie,
it's in him and it's gotta come out..
it's looking great from this end, Mike. :o)
Well said Mike. The boy isn't just a pretty face photographer! He can write too!
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